Friends of Pioneer Memorial Library

Friends of the Library, established in 1979, was created to be “A partnership between the library and the community to advocate for quality library service.” 

The Friends of the Pioneer Memorial Library Board meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 a.m. in the Library Meeting Room. If you are interested in joining the “Friends of Pioneer Memorial Library”, please give us a call and we will sign you up today!

Membership Dues:

  • Individual – $15
  • Family – $30
  • Business – $30
  • Benefactor – $50 or more

Adopt-A-Magazine Initiative

Help the Friends of the Library with our fundraiser this year by adopting a magazine. The Library has more than 50 magazine subscriptions. Magazines cost an average of $25 per subscription. Adopt as many as you would like for $25 each! Our goal this year is to cover the cost of all magazine subscriptions.

 Remember if we share the load – the savings are multiplied!

Friends of the Library – Board of Directors:

  • President – 
  • Vice President – Shelly Myers
  • Secretary – Pat Erickson
  • Treasurer – Karla Haggard
  • Member – Jamie McClure
  • Member – Bev Vaughn
  • Member – Marilyn Walz
  • Member – Tim Watts