Memorials, Gifts & Grants


  • Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foudation (GNWKCF) – $2,757.83 – Purchase of AED (Automatic External Defibrilat0r), a cabinet for the AED, and a First Aid kit for the Library


  • State of Kansas – $1,522.06 – State Aid
  • Marlene Voss Memorial – $110
  • Else Keil Memorial – $865
  • Maxine Nelson Memorial – $227.50
  • Leta Moses Memorial – $1,485
  • NWKLS – $5,500 – System Services Grant
  • Judy McCarty Memorial – $7,340
  • Bess Carpenter Memorial – $450
  • KLAEF Grant – $400 – Received checks to attend KLA
  • Colby Rotary – $50.85 – Kansas Reads to Preschoolers
  • Kansas Notable Books Grant – $216.92
  • Jarrod Taylor Memorial – $75
  • Velma Goodheart – $50 – Children’s Books purchased in memory of Jim and Loretta Mentlick
  • VFW Auxiliary – Donation for speaker, Rick Austin


  • NWKLS – $725 – Economic Impact Grant
  • Marjorie Robben – $25 – Gift
  • NWKLS Courier Grant – $640
  • First Christian Church – $28
  • Colby Rotary – $110 – Mark Winger Memorial
  • YAC Fundraisers – $80
  • State Library of Kansas – $1,526.45 – State Aid
  • Bruce and Pat Keiser – $100 – Jean Krebs Memorial
  • Midwest Energy Inc. – $250 – Summer Reading Grant – Karen Land, Musher
  • TCCF through Friends of PML – $1,000 – Summer Reading Grant – Mad Science
  • Friends of PML – $3,650 – Adult/Children’s Summer Reading Support
  • Friends of PML – $500 – Library Week Support
  • NWKLS – $150 – Summer Reading Special Program Grant – Karen Land, Musher
  • Kansas Prairie Quilter’s Guild – $633.47 – Gift
  • Genesis – Th. Co., Inc. – $500 – YAC Snacks
  • PEO Sisterhood Chapter CE – $100 – Gift
  • Gordon and Karin Rasmussen – $50 – Memorial Gift honoring mother’s of Phil and Jo DeYoung
  • State Library of Kansas and the Institute of Museum and Library Science (ARPA Subgrant) – $24,961 – To help/provide technology and digital inclusion services to the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Violetta Armour – $100 – Gift to use towards Expansion Furnishings and Projects
  • Kansas Humanities SHARP Recovery Grant – $12,063 – Supports Kansas’ cultural organizations that provide humanities programming and are facing financial hardship due to the Coronavirus pandemic
  • Th. Co. Community Foundation – $948 – Grant for purchase of sound equipment to use for Adult Programming
  • Kansas State Library – $267.09 – Kansas Notable Books Grant
  • Cindy Cersovsky – $100 – Gift to use for Children’s Programming


  • Anonymous Donor – $1,000
  • Colby Rotary Club – Who Is? What Is? Book Project – $575
  • NWKLS Courier Grant – $950
  • State of Kansas – State Aid – $1,529.83
  • Leadership of Thomas County – Physical Activity Grant – $911.89
  • NWKLS System Grant – $5,500
  • Friends of PML – Adult Summer Reading – $150
  • Friends of PML – Children’s Summer Reading – $3,500
  • Th. Co. Community Foundation – Frahm Farmland Grant (Shannon Hopson) – $1,000
  • Midwest Energy – Summer Reading Grant – $510
  • Friends of PML – Reimbursed for TCCF Summer Reading Grant – $350
  • In Honor of Wayne Horlacher’s 90th Birthday – $1,500 – purchased Logitech equipment for online Zoom For Lunch productions and webinars
  • Velma Goodheart – Special Gift for Youth – $100
  • Elmer Lawver Memorial – $20 for Large print books
  • Carolyn Armstrong Memorial – $1,725
  • Leroy Ziegler Memorial – $100
  • Terry Hornung Memorial – $50
  • Harlan Downing Memorial – $50
  • In memory of Vernon Kleinsorge’s Brother – $25 for the Youth Activity Center
  • Kansas Health Foundation Summer Reading Grant – $600
  • Th. Co. SPARKS COVID 19 Relief Reimbursement Grant – $6,719.11
  • Kansas Libraries CARE Award – Used for Beanstack subscription for 1 year – $750
  • Th. Co. SPARKS COVID 19 Relief Reimbursement Grant – $20,005.47
  • State of KS. – KS. Notable Books Grant – $239.8
  • TCCF – Vinyl for chairs (for Expansion project) – $521.25
  • Pete Henry Foundation – 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Grant – $1,483
  • Colby Rotary Club – Kansas Reads to Preschoolers – $67.80


  • Th. Co. Community Foundation – $656.96 – YAC Robotics and Coding Grant
  • Midwest Energy – $1,000 – Ceiling mounted digital projector for conference and programming in the basement
  • Colby Rotary – $100.44 – Kansas Reads to Preschoolers Books
  • Northwest Kansas Library System – $1,000 – Helped to purchase three (3) AWE Early Literacy Computer Stations
  • Friends of Pioneer Memorial Library – $650 – Helped to purchase three (3) AWE Early Literacy Stations
  • Kansas Kiwanis Foundation, Inc. – $500 – Helped to purchase three (3) – AWE Early Literacy Computer Stations
  • Carl Peters Memorial – $200 for Large print books
  • Joshua Berens Memorial – $1,070
  • Thomas Co. Community Foundation – $6,056 – Helped to purchase three (3) AWE Early Literacy Computer Stations
  • Friends – Thomas Co. Community Foundation – $750 – Summer Learning Events and Programming
  • Frahm Farmland/Thomas Co. Community Foundation – $200 Summer Learning prizes
  • Genesis – Thomas Co. Inc. – $500 – Food for Youth – Summer/Fall in Youth Activity Center
  • Northwest Kansas Library System – $800 – Courier Grant
  • Colby Rotary – $1,602.77 – Be the Inspiration Book Project: Who Was and Who Is books


  • Northwest Kansas Library System – $650 (Courier Grant), $5,500 (System Grant), $500 (Envisionware Grant)
  • Th. Co. Community Foundation – $249.95 (Summer Reading Grant), $600 (Art the Fun Way: Paint on Canvas for Children and Mod Podge for Teens/Adults)
  • JoAnne Sunderman Memorial – $815
  • Frahm Farmland/Th. Co. Community Foundation – $200 – Summer Reading Prizes
  • Midwest Energy – $750 – Summer Reading Sponsor for Children’s Events
  • Kansas Humanities Council – $500 – Kansas Poet Laureate speaking engagement